Seeking Artists, Farmers, & Makers for the Farmers Market!

July 15th we held our Farmers Market Grand Opening at Heritage. Foot traffic & vendor attendance was steadily picking up each week leading up to that day, things were looking great! Then not even a week and a half later the Carrfire came raging through our county. Although Heritage is still standing, we definitely experienced the effects of this devastating fire in both our business and our Farmers Market.

We had to cancel the Farmers Market two weeks in a row due to power outages and heavy smoke. Even when we picked back up the Farmers Market, more then half of our regular vendors couldnt attend(some still are unable to attend due to the active Delta & Hirz Fires) and the momentum we were building leading up to the Grand Opening died down - for understandable reasons!

As we see breaks in the smoke and foot traffic picking back up, we feel hopeful to come back even stronger! However, we need more awesome vendors to build back up the momentum we lost!

Below is some vendors we could use more of!


Art by Yaz

We have many Opportunities for Artists to be a part of the Shasta Lake Creative Community at Heritage. At the Market you can sell art, host a class, or live paint! (Or a mixture of the 3!)


Farmers Market at Heritage Roasting Co in Shasta Lake near Redding California

We are searching for more vendors selling Produce, Eggs, Honey, and Food Product. If you are unsure if you have to correct permitting to sell any of this but would like to sell at the Market, email me at! I can help you figure that out.


Christmas Shopping at the Shasta Lake Farmers Market at Heritage Roasting Co in Shasta Lake Ca near Redding Ca

The Holiday season is quickly approaching, this is definitely the season to jump on board the Farmers Market train as a Maker! Here is some great gifts I got at the Market Last Christmas season!