Love in a Cup

How can we find hope and generosity in the middle of a crisis? Heritage was just beginning to financially recover from the 2018 fires when COVID-19 shut down the world. Suddenly, we were figuring out how to keep the coffeehouse afloat and adjusting ministry to follow the new protocol. We began to pray and ask the Lord, ‘how we can we be generous?’ While many people suddenly out of work our workload increased dramatically; making financial changes, adjusting and readjusting plans. After praying for several days, asking the Lord the same prayer, ’how we can be generous when we’re simply trying to stay afloat?' He reminded me of Love in a Cup. 

Love in a Cup is our way to pay it forward at Heritage. People can give to cover the drink of the person coming after them. And the morning after the Lord said “Love in a Cup” we received a surprise donation of $500 from a local cannabis dispensary. They contacted us and said they wanted us to be able to give away 100 drinks. We put it into Love in a Cup and began to invite others who were able to pay it forward.

A few days later over $350 was donated to Love in a Cup. That’s in addition to the $500 we received on April 1 which started this whole journey. Along with the larger donations people have paid their free drink forward and a total of over $1037 was given to Love in a Cup in just 5 days. This doesn’t even count the hundreds of drinks that people chose to pay for so their free drink could be given to someone in need.