Certified Producer

 A certified producer is an individual or entity whose "farming activities" have been verified by the County Agricultural Commissioner, and who has obtained a Certified Producers Certificate (CPC). Inspection of the production location(s) is necessary to verify that the producer has practiced the agricultural arts and produced the fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables, shell eggs, honey, nursery stock, and cut flowers.

Only a certified producer may sell the certified agricultural products listed above at a Certified Farmers' Market (CFM). They may also sell other agricultural products they have produced. A Certified Producer is exempt from size, standard pack, container, and most labeling requirements.

Are you a home Gardener interested in selling at the Market? But unsure how the Certification Process works?

Fee Structure




* Plus Non-Refundable Annual Membership Fee of $30 *

  1. Booth Fees are to be collected at set up between 4:30PM & 5:45PM.

  2. Paying monthly or seasonally is non-refundable, regardless of attendance.

  3. If paying by month, fees are due at the beginning of each month.

  4. Vendors will be required to pay booth fees in advance after 2 instances of late cancellation(anytime after Friday at 5PM) or after being a no-show.

  5. Standard booth fee includes one ‘10x10’ booth space. For vendors that need additional booth space, another ‘10x10‘ space can be purchased for $10/day.


  1. A sign stating who you are(personal name, name of farm, and/or name of business).

  2. A sign stating, ‘We Grow What We Sell.‘ *Absolutely no resale of products is allowed.

  3. An embossed copy of your Certified Producers Certificate on display.

Set Up & Tear Down

  1. Set up for Certified Producers starts at 4:30PM.

  2. Any Certified Producers that show up after 5:15PM will have to carry in their set up, instead of pulling in and unloading.

  3. Booths must be completely set up by 5:45PM.

  4. After unloading, vendors park in the designated vendor parking area.

  5. Tear down begins at 9PM - early tear down is only acceptable in case of emergencies.

  6. You must bring your own canopy(preferably 10x10s), tables, and chairs.

  7. Vendors are required to have anchors for their canopy. This can be sandbags, cinder blocks, or hanging weights.