Shasta Lake ART WALK
Early 2019, the Shasta Lake Creative Community coordinated an Art Walk in conjunction with both the Boomtown Festival & the launch of the Shasta Lake Farmers Market. The plan is to do this annually at the same time - the first Saturday in May, during Boomtown weekend. The first Art Walk had over 17 participating Artists.
Photo from last years Art Walk!
Boomtown Weekend is a Town-Wide Celebration of Shasta Lake that includes a Morning Parade, Party in the Park, and various other activities that coincide. Typically a very huge weekend for Shasta Lake with a great turn out of locals.
Photo in front of Heritage Roasting Co during the Boomtown parade.
The ideal location for the Art Walk will occur between the Shasta Lake Farmers Market Grand Opening at Heritage Roasting Co and the Boomtown Festival down the road at Clair Engle Park.
1) What is an Art Walk? This could be many things, like multiple businesses in a block having Art Shows within their business, large Art Installations on display inside or outside of a business, and things of similar nature. OUR Art Walk will consist of a stretch of Artist Booths spanning a large portion of Shasta Dam Blvd set up in front of businesses. This will encourage more people to walk to the Blvd and go between the Boomtown Festival and The Grand Opening of the Farmers Market.
2) What does a booth set up look like? You could use a canopy or no canopy. You could have a set of easels to display art. Honestly, in what ever way you could display your Art Work without obstructing traffic in the road, sidewalk, and the ability for people to enter into the business you are displaying in front of. This could be a set of tables your art is leaning up against or laying on(however this is a less visible option)…here is some ideas: Art Walk Pinterest Board
David Sass is an artist out of Shasta Lake, CA who had frequently participated in our Farmers Market. We discovered him through our last Art Walk!
3) I do not have enough pieces! No worries! - There is not a specific defined amount of pieces you are required to have OR a space you are required to fill. We simply think more art the better! So even if its a few pieces and you think you would only need one table, great.
4) What should I bring/how should I prepare? You must provide your own canopy, tables, chairs, etc., Selling Art? We suggest you come with all your pieces priced and a way to accept money. Not all people will have cash, so for you to not lose out on a sale, we highly recommend that you get a square reader/account. Any further questions email:
5) I wont know till we get closer to the date if I can participate, should I still sign up? Yes! We love to continually update our list of local artists so we can include and invite artists to other Creative Events.
Special Event Booth Fees are $20.
This fee helps cover advertisement, permits, and events/projects hosted by the Shasta Lake Creative Community. *We take no commission of sales.